The church year consists of many seasons, each with a specific purpose or theme. The seasons are as follows:
Advent - this is the beginning of the church calendar. At this time we eagerly await the arrival of Christ--both Christ as a babe in the manger and Christ who will come again! Many churches use purple at this time of the church year, a color associate with royalty as we await the birth of our Ruler! Some liturgical churches also use blue, a color associated with hope. Seeing blue and purple in our churches and homes even as our world is decked out in for Christmas in red and green reminds us that we are in a period of preparation as we ready our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ.
Christmas - Christmas is the culmination of Advent. Unlike our traditional calendar, Christmas lasts more than a single day. At Christmas you will see white paraments and vestments, reflecting our joy in our newborn king.
Epiphany - the season of Epiphany marks the official end of Christmas. The season of Epiphany lasts until the beginning of Lent, which is marked by Ash Wednesday. Although the color of the Feast of Epiphany is white, the season of Epiphany is marked by the color green, representing the growth we experience as we journey with our Lord towards the season of Lent.
Lent - Lent consists of the period prior to Easter, a penitential season during which we learn about Christ's suffering and sacrifice on the cross. During Lent we display and wear purple to remind us of repentance.
Easter - we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Like Christmas, Easter is celebrated in the church calendar for more than a single day. We display and wear white during the Season of Easter to point to the joy of resurrection.
Pentecost - the season of Pentecost is the longest season of the church calendar. It begins in late spring following the end of Easter and runs until late fall, as the end of the church year approaches and is marked by the celebration of Christ the King Sunday. During the season of Pentecost, the church focuses on the events and mission of Jesus' three-year public ministry. During the season after Pentecost, also known as Ordinary Time, you will see green altar clothes and vestments, representing the growth in faith, joy, and gratitude we feel when we follow Jesus!
You can learn more about the current season and the activities of Trinity Lutheran Church for this season by reading the appropriate page in this portion of our web site. For a more detailed description of the colors for each season, please check out the ELCA website here.
Advent - this is the beginning of the church calendar. At this time we eagerly await the arrival of Christ--both Christ as a babe in the manger and Christ who will come again! Many churches use purple at this time of the church year, a color associate with royalty as we await the birth of our Ruler! Some liturgical churches also use blue, a color associated with hope. Seeing blue and purple in our churches and homes even as our world is decked out in for Christmas in red and green reminds us that we are in a period of preparation as we ready our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ.
Christmas - Christmas is the culmination of Advent. Unlike our traditional calendar, Christmas lasts more than a single day. At Christmas you will see white paraments and vestments, reflecting our joy in our newborn king.
Epiphany - the season of Epiphany marks the official end of Christmas. The season of Epiphany lasts until the beginning of Lent, which is marked by Ash Wednesday. Although the color of the Feast of Epiphany is white, the season of Epiphany is marked by the color green, representing the growth we experience as we journey with our Lord towards the season of Lent.
Lent - Lent consists of the period prior to Easter, a penitential season during which we learn about Christ's suffering and sacrifice on the cross. During Lent we display and wear purple to remind us of repentance.
Easter - we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Like Christmas, Easter is celebrated in the church calendar for more than a single day. We display and wear white during the Season of Easter to point to the joy of resurrection.
Pentecost - the season of Pentecost is the longest season of the church calendar. It begins in late spring following the end of Easter and runs until late fall, as the end of the church year approaches and is marked by the celebration of Christ the King Sunday. During the season of Pentecost, the church focuses on the events and mission of Jesus' three-year public ministry. During the season after Pentecost, also known as Ordinary Time, you will see green altar clothes and vestments, representing the growth in faith, joy, and gratitude we feel when we follow Jesus!
You can learn more about the current season and the activities of Trinity Lutheran Church for this season by reading the appropriate page in this portion of our web site. For a more detailed description of the colors for each season, please check out the ELCA website here.