This is the Season of Advent
With Christ the King Sunday passed, we enter the season of Advent. Advent is the beginning of the church calendar, and it is the time of the year when we prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is also our time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas, and that means it is usually one of the favorite times of the year. This year we invite you to join us for our Sunday worship services, as well as weekly Advent recitals. The recitals are held on Fridays - December 1, 8, and 15 - at noon. They last approximately 30 minutes. Following the recital, we invite all to join us for a soup and bread lunch in our Fellowship Hall.
While Advent is a season of hope and Christmas is a season of joy, not everyone feels hopeful or like celebrating. Grief, illness, aging, depression, loneliness, unemployment, and loss are magnified.
Even those who are not struggling with losses may feel the stress of preparations and expectations around Christmas time. A Longest Night/Blue Christmas service may provide a time and place of solace during the days surrounding the celebration of Christmas. We come together seeking healing. On December 21st, the winter solstice, the longest night of the year and official start of winter, we come with our longings and seek the return of light and hope. The service will begin at 4:00pm and all are welcome for this time of prayer, meditation and healing.
Advent leads us to Christmas. This year, Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday. So, in addition to our normal 10:00 AM Sunday worship, we will celebrate Christmas with two special evening services on Christmas Eve, and a single service on Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve services:
5:30 PM - Family service
10:00 PM - traditional candle light service, with Holy Communion
Christmas Day service:
10:00 AM - a special holiday worship service, with Holy Communion
While Advent is a season of hope and Christmas is a season of joy, not everyone feels hopeful or like celebrating. Grief, illness, aging, depression, loneliness, unemployment, and loss are magnified.
Even those who are not struggling with losses may feel the stress of preparations and expectations around Christmas time. A Longest Night/Blue Christmas service may provide a time and place of solace during the days surrounding the celebration of Christmas. We come together seeking healing. On December 21st, the winter solstice, the longest night of the year and official start of winter, we come with our longings and seek the return of light and hope. The service will begin at 4:00pm and all are welcome for this time of prayer, meditation and healing.
Advent leads us to Christmas. This year, Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday. So, in addition to our normal 10:00 AM Sunday worship, we will celebrate Christmas with two special evening services on Christmas Eve, and a single service on Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve services:
5:30 PM - Family service
10:00 PM - traditional candle light service, with Holy Communion
Christmas Day service:
10:00 AM - a special holiday worship service, with Holy Communion